Are you going to be 65 soon? You have a window from three months before to three months after your 65th birthday to sign up or potentially pay higher Medicare premiums for life. We can help!

at Exact Wealth
Exact Wealth prides itself on our educational approach, and we are here to answer your questions and provide help when it comes to all aspects of retirement planning. Browse the resource library here—we invite you to read, watch, download, and learn about the basics of finance and retirement. And remember, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Blog, News & Information
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The articles on our blog are designed to teach you about financial concepts that can help you in your pursuit of financial independence, attaining greater wealth, investing wisely, saving for retirement, retiring someday, putting an estate plan in place, and many other topics.
Featured Videos
Media Appearances
The financial professionals at Exact Wealth seek to educate retirees about retirement issues, and share information about the many aspects of retirement that come into play when trying to create a customized retirement plan for each individual and family. Watch these media appearances to learn more about our team’s approach to their work, and reach out if you have any questions!
The Fear of Running Out of Money in Retirement
John Becker Discusses Medicare
The Innovative Interview with John Becker
Animated Informational Shorts
Browse through our animated videos to learn about financial principles that can help you whether you are busy accumulating and growing wealth, getting ready to retire in five to 10 years, or living in retirement now. One of our biggest goals at Exact Wealth is to educate retirees about financial matters, and we hope these videos help make things clearer.
What is Medicare?
What You Need to Know About Social Security
Traditional versus Roth IRA Accounts
Decumulation Vs. Accumulation
What is an FIA (Fixed Indexed Annuity)
How Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Work
Tune in Saturdays from 6am to 7am to KHOW-AM 630 TALKRADIO! Listen Live in Denver & Online!
Educational White Papers
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It’s our goal to make complex concepts simple to understand so that you can thrive in your personal economy. Our whitepapers are designed to help you learn more about the basics when it comes to finance and retirement issues. Please download and review these whitepapers at your leisure, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about what you’ve read.
From Our Partners
If you’ve listened to our radio show, The Exact Wealth Show, you may have heard some of our expert guests talk about their disciplines, including our estate attorney and CPA partners. Here are some of the infographics they’ve provided us, and we are happy to bring these partners to the table for you, or work with the professional team you already have in place.

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Free Consultation
Schedule a free consultation with one of our team members to help identify where you are currently at, so we can help you make an informed decision on how to accomplish your goals for the future.